Matricúlate en la AEGF
Matricularse en la AEGF es muy sencillo:
Asesoramiento profesional para sacar un mejor partido a tu esfuerzo.
Bienvenido a la AEGF. Te damos la bienvenida y esperamos poder ayudarte en el proceso de inscripción.
Las inscripciones a cualquiera de nuestros cursos se hacen efectivas una vez se haya abonado el importe del curso. Además, recibirás una notificación de que el curso que has solicitado ha sido reservado mediante y email.
En caso de necesitar apoyo con el proceso de inscripción, no lo dudes, contacta con nosotros y te guitaremos durante el proceso.
Download the form and fill it up. Once filled this form, save it to your computer and send it to the following address:
Formas de Pago
Vacancies is limited. Participants will be selected in order applications are recieved. Applicants are encouraged to apply for admission as soon as possible.
By Bank Transfer
By Paypal
Customers must make this payment without charging us the banking costs. The sum of money must be net of any expenses. The payment must be made in the currency agreed on in the transaction, please use the current account that is in the same currency as the payment. Any mistakes made in sending the money could cause delays and more expenses.
Once you have filled the application form you will recieved a link with the bank datails in case you have choosen the BANK TRANSFER OPTION.
Please return payment form by email to SFGS:
Send us an email providing us your Paypal Email Address, we will send you a Paypal Charge Request
All applicants are offered an audition, interview assessment designed to help the student to choose the right program and the right level. Applicants will be advice by faculty staff (online/presential).
Before you can schedule your audition you must first complete your application form and the payment of tuition must be made.
You can check out your harmony level here. Here you are one the Harmony Test Level our faculty has designed for the students.