SFGS is a production company that manages and represents established professionals in the performing arts, presenting to the public a diverse range of performances and workshops that these artists offer.
We invite you to take a look at the enclosed materials in order to get a more complete idea of how the course is carry out. Should you have any questions, or if you desire further information about Spanish Flamenco Guitar Society and its artists, you may contact info@flamencoguitarsociety.com
Welcome from the Director
From time to time you run into people across the world who has a "Flamenco" feeling when they play their instruments. Feeling music is not always a culturally conditioned response.
Flamenco music and culture can be felt everywhere. This is the greatness of human being, the way way the connect each other by their feelings. This culture has a deep and very particular way of feeling life.
Flamenco music and art doesn´t belong to any country but the humanity. That´s the reason why this art has been declared a Patrimony of the Humanity by the UNESCO.
Flamenco is something else that cannot be described in words, but I can assure that it is not only music; it is more something related with the way you understand life.
Jose Deluna
SFGS-Spanish Flamenco Guitar Society
José Deluna
Flamenco Guitar (Master Diploma)
David Durán
Flamenco Guitar (Accompaniment)
Pablo Romero Luis
Flamenco/Classical Guitar
Mirza Redzepagic
Flamenco Guitar
James Stephenson
Assistant Teacher - Flamenco Guitar (Spanish language)
Sonia Cortés
Assistant Teacher - Flamenco Singing
Rafael Peral
Assistant Teacher - Flamenco Dancer
Roberto Vozmediano
Assistant Teacher - Flamenco Percusionist
Sonia Cortés
Assistant Teacher - Flamenco Singing
José Deluna
Antonio Blanco
Office Management
Vanessa Blanco
International Relations / Europe and Worldwide
International Relations / Northen and Western Europe
International Relations / Southern Europe
Alex Blanco
Studio Recording Engineer
Angel Luis López
Photo Video Technician