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Angel Garcia Moreno (Spain)

I onlyhave good words for Jose Deluna as a teacher and personally. He owns a  huge ability to transmit his knowledge besides to be, fom my point of view, a restless mind, looking a new ways for the Flamenco Guitar teaching. As soon as I can I go back taking lessons with him.


Simon Andrade (Australia)

I have been having lessons with Jose for nearly a year as a part of the Diploma. They have been extremely enjoyable and my playing has changed dramatically. I feel that I understand flamenco guitar much more now and I look forward to continuing my lessons. Jose is an excellent and very conscientious teacher. He is also very patient! The Skype online lessons work very well, almost as if he is in the room with me.


Luis Maldonado (EEUU)

After finding this website I knew right away I wanted to start taking lessons with them. It's very well put together explaining all aspects of the materials and courses they cover and are very quick to answer any question you may have. Additionally, now that I have started taking lessons with José Deluna, who I can say is an amazing guitarist and instructor, I am completely happy with my decision to join and commence my studies with them. I highly recommend them.

Takis Kordonouris (Greece)

I have been having online guitar flamenco lessons with Jose Deluna the past year and the experience is fantastic! Jose is a great teacher and an exceptional flamenco guitar player! I strongly recommend him as a teacher!

Giovanni de rosa (Italy)

Hi I been take flamenco lessons over 1 year with Jose de luna he is really a good teacher and a cool guy I been learn so much I really recommend this school if u want understand flamenco from a real Spanish teacher!

Antoine Leclair (Canada)

This flamenco guitar school is super nice. I have my lessons by Skype with José and I visited Madrid for lessons in person a few times. José is a professional guitarist and really knows his trade. He is also the author of a few books. If you want to learn flamenco guitar, this is the school


Thierry nicolas (France)

(Texto original) Court très sérieux de flamenco dans une ambiance très relax. Prof sérieux et competent. Matériel vidéo , informatique , et audio fourni.0

¿Ha sido útil?


Lilo Hall (EEUU)

I live in the USA. I've been studying Flamenco Guitar for years and my husband found out about the school through a travel show. In june we traveled to Madrid to take private lessons from José Deluna. The experience was fantastic and has moved me forward rapidly. I'm enjoying weekly lessons through Hangouts with José

Workshop Suiza

Workshop Suiza

New York Workshop

New York Workshop

Irán Workshop

Irán Workshop

Irán Workshop

Irán Workshop

Madrid Workshop

Madrid Workshop

Madrid Workshop

Madrid Workshop

Madrid Workshop

Madrid Workshop

Mirza (Master Diploma Student)

Mirza (Master Diploma Student)

Santiago (Master Diploma Student)

Santiago (Master Diploma Student)

Mirza Redzepagic

Master Diploma Student




When and how did you first become interested in flamenco guitar?

When I was a child my father was listening recordings of Paco de Lucia on our old family gramophone, and I remember myself looking at the booklets and covers with Paco's pictures and imagining myself playing like Paco. Since I had my first guitar lesson at age of 8 my actual interesting in flamenco music started at the time when I was on my last year at University studiyng classical guitar. I was playing some spanish classical guitar piece and I realized that something is missing in composition. I've started to explore more about spanish music, and deeper I went there the more I started to enjoy and feel a that special passion that flamenco gives. Then I realized that I want to become a flamenco musician.


How long have you been playing flamenco guitar?

I am playing flamenco guitar for 2 and a half years. 


What are your flamenco guitarists influences?

As I said before, I felt in love in guitar listening to Paco de Lucia, so I found him as my primary influence. Beside Paco, I enjoy the music of Vicente Amigo, Tomatito, Pepe Habichuela, Manolo Sanlucar and others. Also, I enjoy a lot listening to flamenco cante: Camaron de la Isla, Diego Cigala, Potito, Nina Pastori, Marina Heredia and many others...


Does anyone in your family play music?

None of my parents plays any instrument, but my mother was always telling me that I got my talent for music from my grandfather, who played accordion quite good.


What else do you do besides play flamenco guitar?

I play classical guitar, and also playing traditional Balkan music and music from my country. Beside that I am exploring ascpects of world music, especially music from East (music of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, India etc). I am working as guitar teacher here in Sarajevo and in my hometown.


Why did you choose to play this kind of music?

When I first heard flamenco cante i felt a blast of emotions inside of me. Singer was singing so sad, but also very passionate and so proudly at the same time. After that what I heard, I realy felt that that's the path that I want to take in music, to become a flamenco guitarist. That mix of different emotions you can find only in flamenco.7 Tell us your opinion about SFGS (Spanish Flamenco Guitar Programmes). SFGS programme is a great way to get all the knowledge you need about flamenco. With SFGS you will not learn only how to play flamenco guitar falsetas, but also to understand flamenco as a culture, as an art. With Jose Deluna, who is a great guitar player and also an exceptional teacher, with his academic approach to flamenco art and great pedagogic talent I am learning not only the technics and palos needed to play flamenco, but I am also learning to understand the philosophical concept of flamenco, which could be very difficult to understand to somebody who is not from Spain.


Do you feel you are getting your objetives?

Yes, with SFGS program I feel I am on the right path to become a serious flamenco guitarist.


Is SFGS (Spanish Flamenco Guitar) worth the money?

Every penny of it. Lectures are systematic and very good organized. All the video and printed material are at the professional level and skype lessons are also at the professional level.

Santiago Peralta

Master Diploma Student





When and how did you first become interested in flamenco guitar?

Cuando tenia 18 años me regalaron una guitarra eléctrica, después de un par de meses le perdí el interés, buscaba algo diferente que llenara ese vacío. Pasaron los días y fue cuando escuche a Paco de Lucía, fue impresionante y, finalmente, descubrí que era lo que tanto había buscado. Al tomar clases con el maestro Rodrigo Godoy en la ciudad de México; me di cuenta que era mas que una afición, por lo que decidí viajar a Madrid para formarme profesionalmente con el maestro José Deluna.


How long have you been playing flamenco guitar?

Aproximadamente 3 años


What are your flamenco guitarists influences?

Hay 3 guitarristas a quienes les tengo mucho cariño porque son los que le han dado un giro a mi vida:- Paco de Lucía llego en un momento muy difícil, escuchar a Paco de Lucía era como si escapara de todos esos problemas, es la influencia mas importante en mi vida, un verdadero ejemplo a seguir, el mas grande de todos los tiempos. - Vicente Amigo es increíble, lo admiro muchísimo, su manera de sentir la música es única, he tenido la oportunidad de conocerle fuera del escenario y es excepcional. - José Deluna es parte fundamental en mi vida; excelente guitarrista, maestro y persona. Es impresionante el concepto que tiene de la guitarra flamenca.- Tambien admiro mucho a Tomatito, Paco Cepero, Manolo Sanlucar, los Habichuela, Diego el Morao, Gerardo Núñez, entre otros.


Does anyone in your family play music?

A nivel profesional, nadie


What else do you do besides play flamenco guitar?

Empece a tomar clases de cajón flamenco aproximadamente 4 meses


Why did you choose to play this kind of music?

Por qué el flamenco te hace sentir emociones inexplicables, ademas de la gran variedad de palos que tiene el flamenco que expresan diferentes sentimientos y medidas rítmicas, puedes expresarte sin decir una sola palabra a través de la guitarra y eso le da un valor especial; escuchar al cantaor que le da esa explosión de sentimientos que salen desde lo mas profundo; el bailaor le da esa pasión y la mezcla entre el cuerpo y el alma, te hace sentirte en armonía contigo mismo, para mi eso es el flamenco.


Tell us your opinion about SFGS (Spanish Flamenco Guitar Programmes)

Es un método de estudios muy completo que esta diseñado a cada alumno, ya que el maestro José Deluna tiene un enfoque al método muy ordenado y eficaz, te enseñan a comprender el flamenco, para después aprender las técnicas, el posicionamiento de las manos que es muy importante por que te ayuda a reducir errores, rutinas de calentamiento, características de los palos, falsetas y lo mas importante estimula tu capacidad de improvisación ante un error alteración del cante en el transcurso del palo.


Do you feel you are getting your objetives?

Claro que si, siento que estoy logrando mis objetivos antes de lo que esperaba, es 100% efectivo, he tomado la formación presencial y la formación online, son excelentes ambas opciones.


Is SFGS (Spanish Flamenco Guitar) worth the money?

Si lo vale y mucho, es un método de estudios 100% efectivo, tienes el apoyo incondicional, si tienes una duda fuera de clase, puedes comentárselo y siempre tendrás una respuesta lo mas pronto posible

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Torrejón de la Calzada

Madrid - Spain

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